By Terri-Lee Reid

Q. What impact do the wildfires occurring in B.C. have on wildlife?

A. Exact impacts from these wildfires likely won’t be known until habitat assessments are complete, but it often depends on factors such as the type, size, severity, timing and intensity of the fire.

Generally speaking, larger species such as deer and bears typically have low mortality rates due to wildfires because they have the ability to move to alternate areas. Depending on fire’s intensity, burrowing animals are also minimally affected because they find the protection they need from within their burrows. Smaller mammals, such as mice and voles, appear to be the most vulnerable due to their limited mobility and surface-level nests.

Longer term impacts from wildfires depend on the species’ cover and diet requirements. Those species that have very specific needs, like old growth forest habitat or a particular food source, will be affected the most. Species that are more flexible in their needs will be able to find alternative sources required for survival.

Terri-Lee Reid + Leigh Edgar

Send your wildlife questions to CWF’s conservation researchers, Terri-Lee and Leigh! Your questions and answers could be featured in a future issue of Wildlife Update!